(Editors note: we are taking this movie way too 'literally' in the sense that everything said in this movie, we take the piss out of.)
*whilst watching the first scene in that house where Ally and Noah were going to...you know*
9:04:11 p.m. Stevee wow, pro piano player
9:04:41 p.m. Kieran aee!
9:04:46 p.m. Kieran icky!
9:05:25 p.m. Kieran dad told my sister too shut her eyes
9:05:30 p.m. Stevee lol
9:05:52 p.m. Stevee I'm just going to keep my eyes on the laptop for the time being
9:06:06 p.m. Stevee oooh she takes her earrings out just in case things get rough
9:06:32 p.m. Kieran lol good precaution i guess
We are mature, but looking at things immaturely is way more fun.
9:14:45 p.m. Stevee Two minutes ago--"I love him"
9:14:53 p.m. Kieran lol
9:15:01 p.m. Stevee Now--"I hate him"
9:15:08 p.m. Kieran lol
9:15:19 p.m. Kieran make your bloody mind up
9:15:41 p.m. Stevee they aren't really breaking up, are they??
9:15:57 p.m. Kieran for now they are
9:16:23 p.m. Stevee haha, its just another one of those fights their having
9:23:36 p.m. Stevee ITS JAMES MARSDEN!!
9:23:47 p.m. Stevee I LOVE HIM!!
9:24:00 p.m. Kieran haha hes taken
9:24:11 p.m. Kieran and a bit dead
9:24:26 p.m. Kieran hang on which one is he
9:24:29 p.m. Stevee he looks amazingly beasty in that cast
9:24:34 p.m. Kieran lol
9:24:35 p.m. Stevee that guy
9:24:42 p.m. Kieran oh him
9:24:48 p.m. Kieran Lon Hammond
*when Lon proposes to Ally, and then we see Noah coming back from war*
9:27:29 p.m. Stevee everyone is the happiest man in the world
9:27:36 p.m. Stevee every man I mean
9:27:48 p.m. Stevee wow, poor Noah
9:27:55 p.m. Kieran i know
9:28:25 p.m. Stevee since when do you get sunnies in the war??
9:28:33 p.m. Kieran i know
9:34:38 p.m. Stevee why do people go hairy when they reach insanity??
9:35:10 p.m. Kieran lol its weird ae?
9:35:46 p.m. Stevee I can understand Howard Hughes in The Aviator
9:35:52 p.m. Stevee but not this guy
9:36:02 p.m. Kieran hes just lonely
9:36:14 p.m. Stevee which means he should have more time to shave
9:37:10 p.m. Kieran haha exactly
*leading up to that rain scene*
9:56:28 p.m. Stevee "you look different"
9:56:41 p.m. Stevee uh yeah, he has a lot more facial hair
9:57:05 p.m. Kieran lol
9:57:29 p.m. Stevee throw in the towel and start laughing
9:57:46 p.m. Stevee why does it always rain that heavily in the movies...but never in real life?
10:12:26 p.m. Stevee this movie is quite stuffed up
10:14:33 p.m. Kieran it is
10:14:52 p.m. Kieran its i love you then i hate you then i love you
10:14:55 p.m. Kieran omg!
10:16:04 p.m. Stevee im not afraid to hurt your feelings
10:16:16 p.m. Stevee what kind of a stuffed up message is that?
10:20:18 p.m. Kieran haha i saw that before lol
10:22:19 p.m. Stevee i want that picture on my birthday cake
10:22:39 p.m. Kieran hahaha is that possible
10:25:31 p.m. Stevee yeah, of course it is
(was that off topic? It's hard to talk about The Notebook for two whole hours)
10:30:36 p.m. Kieran ;(
10:31:10 p.m. Stevee this, I will admit, is really sad
10:31:41 p.m. Kieran it is but the ending is nice
10:32:16 p.m. Stevee he goes and sees her
10:33:09 p.m. Kieran yes he does
10:33:47 p.m. Stevee nawww
10:34:12 p.m. Kieran she remembers
10:35:08 p.m. Stevee all too late
10:35:21 p.m. Kieran yeah sad that isnt it
10:36:16 p.m. Stevee :'(
10:36:36 p.m. Kieran please don't cry
10:36:45 p.m. Stevee im not
10:36:52 p.m. Kieran good
10:37:06 p.m. Stevee even though the rest of the movie is pretty bad, I still find the end sad
10:37:11 p.m. Stevee hey that rhymed
10:37:22 p.m. Kieran lol it did
10:37:31 p.m. Kieran and yes it is sad
10:37:40 p.m. Kieran and we both survived it yay
There you have it...a conversation about The Notebook. I have seen it before, and I lauded it with 8/10. However, on a second watch, it is way too romantic even for my standards. But the end gets me every time. I don't absolutely hate it though...it just isn't one of my favourites. And I really don't like Nicholas Sparks, so I guess that doesn't help.
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You mustn't be afraid to dream a little bigger, darling.