
Friday, November 26, 2010

Camp time!

First things first. A happy late Thanksgiving to any Americans who are passing by. You guys are lucky you have an extra holiday!

Anyway...Cinematic Paradox will be taking a break until next weekend. Why? Because I am going on camp to the beautiful Abel Tasman national park, which pretty much means I can't post. Or watch movies. So don't worry, I haven't died, I should be back next Saturday (all going well).

I will literally be there tomorrow!
When I get back, you have reviews of Cemetery Junction, The Girl Who Played with Fire and Sixteen Candles reviews to look forward to. Also, Inception will be coming out on DVD, and because I still love it, there'll be more posts on that masterpiece.
So have a nice week everyone...and keep up the watching!


You mustn't be afraid to dream a little bigger, darling.