
Wednesday, February 8, 2012

It Seems I Got Myself an Award

I vaguely remember the 'Liebster Award' thingy going around sometime last year, and I think I may have received one, but I never took action (you can just imagine me at the Oscars, I won't even turn up for that shit, LOL JK). However, it is making the rounds again somehow, and the lovely Nikhat (blogging soul sister) from Being Norma Jeane gave me this award. Thanks for that! Now I have to pass it on to five other bloggers who have under 200 followers. I've seen this Liebster thing on a couple of blogs now, so if your site was nominated on those two blogs, I'm sorry but you're ineligible. I'm gonna go with some new peeps ;)

1) It is only fitting to give this award to an awards blogger. Never Too Early Movie Predictions is the most awesome prediction site ever, I tell ya!
2) One site's design that I'm truly jealous of is Film Flare's, which is tended to by the lovely Maria Sofia. Such a beautiful site.
3) I've championed Cherokee's site Feminising Film a lot, and there is a reason for that. She may not have posted anything this year (come on, get onto it! haha) but when she does post there is so much awesomeness.
4) There are always awesome reviews on Surrender to the which I do get extremely jealous of!
5) that's...So Freaking Hollywood is a site that I don't nearly go to enough but there are some awesome things happening here. I always learn something new!

So there, if you wanna accept this award, accept it. If you don't, then don't. To be honest, I don't usually buy into these awards too much, but I didn't have anything to post tonight and I'm in a very grateful/giving mood, so there ya go :)


  1. Congratulations on the award matey!!

  2. Congrats as well and thanks for the mention. I'm not really fond of awards although I would love to win one. I never win anything. Plus, if it's against someone who I completely dislike. I would love it to rub it in their faces and say, "I own you mothafucka!!!!"

    1. Ahahaha, there's this girl at my school who I've always lost leadership roles to and shit, but she gets PISSED when I win the English cup every year. I always rub it in her face!

  3. Congrats dude! Always happy to see how well things are going around this little corner of the web.

    keep up the good work, yes?

    1. Oh, I'm a little corner of the web still? Sadface. I'm really not getting anywhere. :(

      I will!

  4. Congrats Stevee! Onwards and upwards!

  5. Congrats on the Liebster Award Stevee! You deserve a lot more than 200 followers :D

    1. Haha, I'm not even sure I deserve over 100! But thanks!

  6. Congrats on getting the award, and thank you so much for giving one to me!

  7. Congrats Stevee, and aw - thank you so much for the award, too! (You totally deserve so many more followers, btw. Followers which I am sure you'll get.)

    God, my lack of posting really is terrible!

    I've actually been working on a plan with everything I need to get written, and there are SO many posts I need to do/want to do for Feminising Film, so I am definitely hurrying up on that.

    It's been a pretty hectic and awful start to the year - awesome things have happened, but, at the same time, it has been the worst beginning of a year I can remember since god knows how long. Lots of personal shit, but hey, that's life! *stops bothering your comments with random crap haha*

    Forgot to mention I LOVE the new layout.

    1. You're welcome! And I'll only get more followers if I keep blogging (incredibly hard juggling act), but the count is steadily rising since I changed the layout!

      Gosh, I hope you're okay! I can tell that this year is going to be a piece of shit for me, too. I've just started back at school and nothing is falling into place like it usually does. And bother me with random crap anytime! Haha.

      And thank you! As I said, the follower count has been rising since I changed the layout - which I can't tell whether is a good or bad thing. Because lots of the new followers don't hang around much, so it is much like 'judging a book by its cover'. Ah well, it is allgood :)


You mustn't be afraid to dream a little bigger, darling.