Sunday, July 1, 2012

Watch Me Talk About Why I Love Movies...

If anyone was stalking my tweets or whatever a couple of weeks ago, you'll know that I was pretty stressed about this speech here - because I'm a speech perfectionist. Anyway, all went pretty well, as I came out the other side with an excellence grade and my teacher saying that I was "so enthusiastic about it that he thought I was going to pee my pants". Yup. I thought I'd share the videos of me talking about why and how I came to like films since it may interest a few of you. It is 16 minutes, so if it doesn't interest you at all, then you can shoot me. Or something.

Note: any jokes directed towards The Shawshank Redemption or 'leading up the garden path' are kinda in-jokes with our class. So that's why everyone is peeing themselves over them.

And don't be freaked out by how strange I am. Because I am pretty much a fruit loop.


  1. Wonderful speech. I still find it staggering how articulate and passionate you are about film at age sixteen. I know age shouldn't matter but I was NOWHERE NEAR as passionate about anything (except girls haha) when I was that age.

    Very well-written speech that doesn't drag on at all and is interesting and funny, if a little awkwardly funny. You obviously knew your audience well and they knew you, and a speech like this obviously involves sharing a great deal of your soul and mind. Fantastic.

    Oh, and also: I rewatched Schindler's List recently because of you, and this speech has also made me want to rewatch Brokeback Mountain and Inception, so well done in that regard, too.

    1. I am pretty awkwardly funny. I just had to put in all of the jokes about The Shawshank Redemption :P

      I really need to rewatch Brokeback Mountain some time, it has been far too long!

    2. Whoa whoa whoa, wait a minute. You're... 16? Holy shit. I respect you even more than I did before. Stevee, you have a remarkable talent for being so young. Great speech, great blog. Keep it up!

    3. You seriously didn't know that? Haha. Thanks!

  2. Man, I would love to read that research about Vivien.
    I love it that you mention so many great directors and films. And certainly, there are some things that your readers already know about you but your speech is great and entertaining. Well done!

    What you say aroud 4:00 and further in the second video is extremely inspiring.

    1. Ha, I must admit it was quite well done considering I was 13 when I did it.

      I was aiming for a bit of inspiration. I like to inspire people :)

  3. Great speech, Stevee. That was always one thing I hated about English; loved the rest.

    I can't believe it was so long though. In a good way, of course. Was it supposed to be about fifteen minutes or was yours just that way?

    1. Haha, everyone I know hates speeches. I'm one of the 0.06% of the population who love speeches!

      Mine was the longest, I think. They just had to be over 4 minutes, which everyone got over. The achievement standard kinda demanded a longer length.

      And you commented on this at a rather odd hour! (mind you, I was up until 6am so I can't speak)

  4. Really great speech Stevee, loved it! (Don't know what else to say apart from that.) Definitely one of the best speeches I've heard about film in a while, for sure!

  5. Wow. A great speech! You really have achieved so much in a short space of time nad if this is what you're doing at 16, you'll fly through the years until 26 when who knows how far ahead you'll be. Though I was hoping that the BROKEBACK MOUNTAIN story was going to be a case of you watching the film without knowing that the two guys you fancied were gay.

    1. Thank you! I actually dread to think of what is going to happen in the next ten years.

      And yup, I knew that Brokeback Mountain was all about gay cowboys. That's why I was so secretive about it!

  6. This is really cool. I love how candid you are. God we were made to give such serious speeches. Pretty sure we would have been sent to the supervisor's office for saying the word "porn" :P
    I saw Pulp Fiction on my 16th birthday. You youngster you.
    Gone with the Wind- grrrrr. I love Vivien Leigh though. Old actresses had such tragic lives. Even in India. Something about them...
    CHRISTOPHER NOLAN!!! Hahahaha your squeal for TDKR is the best. They should run it with the trailer :D
    I love the ending :)
    This is lovely Stevee, you should be proud.

    1. Haha, in NZ, we're never serious :P
      I don't think anyone was bothered by my mention of porn. In fact, I'm pretty sure the teacher was just about peeing himself laughing.
      You saw Pulp Fiction when you were 16? What a slacker! Jokes.
      Vivien Leigh did have a tragic life :(
      My squeal for TDKR is like, literally what I do EVERY TIME I think about it. I made a mini musical about it in Biology once.

      Thanks :)

  7. This is absolutely wonderful. To see and passion for the cinema is refreshing and gives me hope for the future. Fantastic job.

    1. Hopefully the future is as great as you want it to be! Thanks.

  8. Now that is how a presentation should be done.

    1. That's good - because I actually had to go first in order to 'set the standard'. Everyone hated me afterwards. Ha. Thanks!

  9. You're awesome. Really, really awesome. Come to Melbourne again so we can go catch a movie.

    1. I try :D I'm begging my father to take me back to Melbourne in the Christmas holidays, mainly because that city is the best thing ever and I like the Pancake Parlours there. I will let you know!

  10. Brilliant. Seriously.

    You have a real stage presence. I wish I was half as confident as you now. LOL

    Well doen matey

  11. Great job! I did a presentation on The Departed for a film class when I was 21, and I wish I had been that charismatic.

    1. That would have been something awesome to talk about! Thanks!


You mustn't be afraid to dream a little bigger, darling.


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