Thursday, September 27, 2012

Dear Hollywood: Mirror Mirror

Due to the break and what not, it has been a little while since I did a Dear Hollywood. For a refresher, set your eyes on these top notes. For now, I'll be Dear Hollywood-ing Mirror Mirror, one of the two Snow White films to come out this year. And yeah, I actually kinda liked it. It isn't exactly the "worst film of the year" material that many made it out to be.

Dear Hollywood, 
I want to make a film based on Snow White. I'm all excited to do that, but then I find out that there's another Snow White film being made. You know, it is all gritty and tough, just like everyone likes it because The Dark Knight made a ton of money, so anyone can make a ton of money by making things dark. Including children's fairytales. And you know what? I hear they have Kristen Stewart, too. Wow, there's no way I can compete now, I'm sure that movie will be extremely dark.
Please tell me, what do I do?
Kind regards,
Unabashed Snow White Fan

Dear Unabashed Snow White Fan,
Here's an idea: why don't you just adapt another fairytale for the darker market? Cinderella loses both shoes? That hasn't been done before.
Kind regards,

Dear Hollywood,
Kind regards,
Aggressive Snow White Fan.

Dear Aggressive Snow White Fan,
Well there's nothing I can do about the fact that there's a dark Snow White film already coming out and it stars Kristen Stewart as the fairest of them all. So why don't you just go to the opposite end of the spectrum? Just go crazy silly. Get all your jokes out of 1001 Cool Jokes. Have Julia Roberts play your evil queen and get her to have all these weird beauty treatments. Get someone happy to play your Snow White. Have ridiculously big costumes that no-one could ever move in.
It is a tough road when you can't have explosions. That's why it is easier to adapt board games. No-one can tell that every explosive movie actually derives from Battleship. That was until they made a movie called Battleship.
Kind regards,

Dear Hollywood,
Hmmmmm...I could go in the ridiculously OTT direction. But...I mean, how can I really compete with such a big production starring Kristen Stewart? How would people remember me?
Kind regards,
Troubled Snow White Fan

Dear Troubled Snow White Fan,
I really don't know what else to say, unless you want to put craploads of explosions in your little Snow White movie. But I assume you're going to be a more family-oriented affair.
Throw a dog in there. People like dogs.
Wait...I have an idea! To make yourself REALLY stand out, get Sean Bean in your film. Instead of killing him off, keep him dead for the entire film and then bring him back to life at the very end.
Then people will remember you for being the most heart-warming movie of a lifetime.
Kind regards,

-several months later-
Dear Snow White Movie That Doesn't Have Kristen Stewart But Has Sean Bean Living,
By "throwing a dog in there", I did not make Armie Hammer act like a dog.
Just thought I better clear that up.
Kind regards,
P.S. You could've just had some explosions.

What I got:


  1. Hehe I actually didn't mind the movie so much. It looked great and I loved the crazy costumes. The dwarves and the evil queen weren't half bad either. Although, this does has one of the worst endings in recorded history.

    1. I thought it was a cool movie, too. But yes, the ending was pretty horrible.

  2. When the movie first came out I thought this was just average and that other Snow White film was slightly better. Now, a few months later, I've grown to appreciate this much more. I'd even say now in the battle of the Snow White movies, this comes up tops because it satisfies its target audience better. It would of course be a whole different story if the battle took place on a *explosion* Battleship or some *explosion* other board-game *slow-mo camera circulating Snow White*. Who knows what that outcome would be....

    1. I haven't seen the other Snow White yet, but I'm not sure how well it will fare compared to this one. And yes, that would be a bloody amazing film! Haha.

  3. Haha. I actually liked this film a lot better than Snow White and the Huntsman.

  4. I love your review of this movie. I hope that you have more Dear Hollywood reviews in the future


You mustn't be afraid to dream a little bigger, darling.


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